Like the Church at Philadelphia in Revelation chapter 3, we have little strength. We are a small, but scrappy church plant. However, like the sixth church to receive a miniature epistle in Revelation 3, we have been true to God’s Word. Our year-long study of prophecy is arriving at its climactic end in time for the Easter season and I pray that our worship is rendered permanently holier because of it.
The cataclysmic eruption of worship in heaven at the end of the Book of Revelation makes we want to worship that way too. The thousands upon thousands of angels, the martyrs beheaded for our very same faith, and people from every single language and nation in the world bust out in deafening praise to Jesus because they are looking right at Him when they do. My soul craves that to the point that my teeth are clenched while I type this.
I see no reason to settle for anything less than the most heavenly of praise in spirit and in truth my voice can muster. Jesus wins! (Sorry, if you have not yet read Revelation, I just spoiled the ending for you.) Death will be cast into a burning lake of sulfur forever. That particular prophecy means a great deal to me personally because I have a bone to pick with death. He took my son. The ultimate denouement of justice is wrought upon the devil with devastating finality in this sacred finale to God’s epic redemption story. If you ever craved retributive justice upon evil, if you ever prayed an imprecatory prayer in your life, Revelation is the only satisfaction. The sheer domination of God’s all-eclipsing victory is delicious.
It just makes you want to praise Jesus with all you have. I pray that our congregation’s collective grasp of prophecy’s zenith, such as it is, forces our souls to join the exaltation of the heavenly masses. I want worship at The Redemption Church to forever sense the magnitude of Revelation. I want us spellbound by the mystery of the seven thunders (Rev. 10:3,4) and awestruck by the holiness of God on display in these holy words. I want this glimpse of Jesus revealed to change us all until our worship echoes across our lost city.
As such, we will not stop worshipping on Easter Sunday. We will worship again on the evening of Monday, April 21st. Then, we will worship again the evening of April 22nd. Then, we will worship again on April 23rd. May our doctrinal rigor be matched by our spirit-filled passion in worship forevermore. May our understanding of God’s holiness overflow into heavenly worship right here on earth that is given to God alongside His angels in spirit and in truth. Life should not be the same after studying prophecy. Should any of our songs of worship be given in Laodecian apathy, may the flaming words of Revelation bring our lukewarm pablum into a boiling hot eruption of praise.
Join us for worship nights April 21-23!
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.